Training for Transgrancanaria - part 2

The second five weeks of my training towards Transgrancanaria was a continuation of the first phase of work with high volume and high vertical gain leading into a taper period. I planned to do two more big weeks of training volume (to complete a period of four high volume weeks) and then start a four-week gradual taper. I've usually followed a two week taper protocol, but in the past I've felt like that wasn't enough and I wanted to increase the taper period for this race. I also shifted my high intensity training days towards steady state and race pace work rather than the shorter intervals of the first phase of training.

Focus for the block
  • maintain weekly mileage, vertical gain and training hours
  • transition quality training days towards race specific and steady state work

  • taper gradually over a four week period towards the race

  • Training statistics
    • Time: 92hrs
    • Distance: 790km
    • Vertical gain: 30 600m

    Training log

    Green bubbles = normal training
    Yellow bubbles = workout
    Red bubbles = race
    XT = cross training

    Review of the block
    I've had another five great weeks of training and I'm really looking forward to seeing how these come together in the race. I did one full high-volume week and then cut the second one short by two days as I was right on the edge of doing too much. Effectively I achieved three full weeks and five days of ~200km/week volume which was a solid period of training. I feel like I've done some of my best training ever.

    In the taper I felt ok in the first week, terrible in the second week and by the end of the third week I was feeling strong and ready to race. I'm hoping that one more week (which includes travel) will be just right to peak for the race. At the very least I confirmed that three weeks are better than two for me in a taper. Let's hope I've got the taper formula exactly right!

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