Sunday sunset run

Today my training schedule dictated a three-hour run on the trails. I waited until the morning clouds had lifted before setting off for a late afternoon run. It turned out to be a beautiful afternoon, a great run and perfect conditions!

The park on Vespucio Norte on the way to the Mountains.

Goals for today: Cerro Carbon and Cerro Manquehue.

The view from the contour path with Manquehue in the background.

The climb up Cerro Carbon starts with an old Jeep road.

And continues through a forest as you get closer to the summit.

At the top of Carbon I was higher than the gliders!

Me at the top of Cerro Carbon.

Manquehue was next with the snow-capped Andes in the distance.

Turnaround point: not the top of Manquehue, but higher than Carbon.

Heading home towards Carbon and the city.

Setting sun with the city side of the mountains completely in shade.

The route home: down Carbon and back over the river to Santiago.

The moon rose and I was at a perfect vantage point on the contour path.

A great end to an excellent afternoon's running.

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